With regret, this will be the last Headington Headlines for the time being. A rather sudden change in family circumstances means I won’t be able to spend as much time at the computer as before, and this is one of the things that will have to go. I still plan to keep @TonyOX3 going on twitter, and I may post occasional articles of interest here too. So for now, thanks for reading and don’t forget to follow @HeadingtonNews, the Headington website, and the local e-democracy forum for all things Headington and OX3.
And for the last time for now, here is your weekly round-up of local news for 1 – 7 April.
Bill Heine, the sometimes controversial, always entertaining, and much loved broadcaster, journalist and installer of the Headington shark, died on Wednesday. I am glad to have known him, albeit slightly, and send condolences to his family and many friends.
The planning application for Frontier Estates’ speculative development of student accommodation and offices off Jack Straw’s Lane and Marston Road has appeared on the Council’s website. The reference is 19/00779/FUL and it consists of 107 documents. The application is open for comments unrtil 2 May. The story of Frontier Estates’ involvement in OX3 is here.
Pavement parking is a significant problem in Headinton so many people will be interested in the Commons Select Committee on Transport’s enquiry into it. The official web page with details of how to contribute is here.
We have launched an inquiry into #PavementParking. We will be looking at its impacts, enforcement of pavement parking offences and enforcement and reform of Traffic Regulation Orders.
Let us know what you think here: https://t.co/jUVW4nAR8M pic.twitter.com/IwD65v5OMZ
— Transport Committee (@CommonsTrans) 2 April 2019
It’s been confirmed that the new Swan School will open in September, though it will be in temporary buildings at the Cherwell School in Summertown.
27 April is the confirmed opening date for the renascent Somerset pub, which we must now call the Up In Arms.
Work officially started on the extension of the A&E Department at the JR Hospital.
Today saw works officially start on the expansion of the Emergency Department at the John Radcliffe Hospital. Pictured our Chair @Prof_JonMont ED MAtron @katy_mimpress ED Consultant @sachinHA8 CFO @JasonWRDorsett Matron Michell Brock and Head of Nursing Louise Rawlinson pic.twitter.com/UwCIcuqLIr
— OUH (@OUHospitals) 2 April 2019
Active posts on the Headington & Marston e-democracy forum this week:
- Exhibition of Student housing proposals at 1-7 Jack Straws Lane and Marston road Frontier ESTates
I’m sorry that this is the last “Headington Headlines”. I’ve made a point of reading them to catch up on what’s happening. Thank you very much for writing so many – 412!