An as yet unidentified developer is putting forward plans for new student and private residential accommodation on land on the western corner of Latimer Road and the London Road. I have heard that the developer has bought a number of houses on the corner of Latimer Road opposite Dorset House, and is proposing a 194 student development on the site, along with some smaller private housing. By comparison, Dorset House can accommodate 310 students.
The developer is putting on an exhibition of the proposals on Tuesday 21 October from 4 – 8pm in the foyer of the old entrance to Brookes off Gipsy Lane, not the new John Henry Brookes Building. There is a copy of the invitation here. If you are interested, go along and have a look.
Oxford Brookes are providing space for the exhibition purely as part of their normal commercial paactices. They have no other connection with the developer and have taken no view on the merits or otherwise of the proposals. There is as yet no planning application registered for the site and no public plans other than whatever is on display next Tuesday.