Headington Headlines #408

Your weekly round-up of local news for 4 – 10 March.

As Frontier Estates are still in the local news, I have brought together all the mentions I have made of them on this blog in the form of a timeline. Use the ‘Frontier’ link in the main menu, or use this link to take you straight there.

Yesterday’s high winds brought down a tree on Headley Way at the crossing by Woodlands Road.

Thieves broke into a shed belonging to Old Marston Parish Council and one belonging to a neighbour. The same people cut a fence in a field with horses. One horse got onto the A40 and was killed.

Rather belatedly I note that Martin Young’s appeal against the City Council’s rejection of his latest planning application was rejected by the Planning Inspector in February. @RosalindRogers was much more alert!

Work has started on the refurbishment of The Somerset pub, Marston Road.

Police are appealing for information about an assault and robbery which happened on the Marston cycle path at around 9.20pm on Saturday 2 March. A man was stopped by three men close to Ferry Road. He was threatened with knives, pushed off his bike, kicked and punched, and his wallet, phone and bracelet stolen.

Laura Biron-Scott is to be the new vicar of Holy Trinity Church, Quarry. She takes up her appointment in June.

My favourite Headington-related tweet:

Active posts on the Headington & Marston e-democracy forum this week:

  • Exhibition of Student housing proposals at 1-7 Jack Straws Lane and Marston road Frontier ESTates

Headington Headlines #346

Your weekly round-up of local news for 27 November – 3 December.

Cllr Alex Hollingsworth posted an update on cycle parking provision at Westgate. I’ve copied it here.

The latest planning application for 29 Old High Street was refused.

The planning application (ref: 17/02010/FUL) to build a Neuroscience Research Building at the JR goes to East Area Planning Committee next Wednesday with a recommendation to approve. The new 3-storey building will be tucked away at the back of the site next to Headington Cemetery.

Loation plan.
Location plan. Download the pdf

Headington Action @HeadingtonA has been ‘recognised’ by Britain in Bloom for its work in making sure “communal land in the area [is] thriving”. Well done to them!

And with thanks to Headington Action, Headington’s Christmas lights were switched on on Friday to the accompaniment of carols, mince pies and general seasonal cheer.


To mark National Tree Week last week Lord Mayor Jean Fooks planted the Friends of Headington Hill Park’s first tree on Saturday.

In an exciting match played in good spirit, @OxCityFC lost their 2nd round FA Cup tie 3-2 against Notts County on Saturday. The winning goal was scored in added time in the very last moments of the game.

The Headington branch of NatWest Bank is not one of the ones listed for closure in the bank’s latest round of cuts to face-to-face services. The full list is here; Oxfordshire is under ‘Midlands and East’.

The Vicky Arms @VictoriaArms was voted “Managed House Best Turn Around Pub” in Wadworth’s ‘Best of the Best’ awards.

Active posts on the Headington & Marston e-democracy forum this week:

  • Over-60s exercise classes starting in Old Headington

Headington Headlines #333

Your weekly round-up of local news for 28 August – 3 September.

The Headington Fairtrade shop celebrated its new look on Friday with drinks and nibbles and a 10% discount.

The latest Access to Headington work to start is to Churchill Drive and its junction with Old Road. It begins on 11 September and will last approximately 15 weeks. Part of Lime Walk will be closed and some on-road parking will be suspended. The County Council says residents on Lime Walk are being notified directly. The Oxford Mail’s report is here, and there are detailed drawings on the County’s Access to Headington pages (click the ‘Map’ tab).

The offices above Caffè Nero are advertised for rent. It’s not clear what this means for the future of current occupiers Abacus College / Oxford Language Centre. Hat-tip to @headingtonnews and @LeonardoLoredan for spotting and chasing this story.

The recent planning application for 29 Old High Street was turned down because of “excessive size and bulk” and because it would be “prominent and intrusive”. Expect an appeal.

As everyone took a last break before the end of the summer, there were no new posts on the Headington & Marston e-democracy forum this week.