The first meeting of the Neighbourhood Forum, the core group which will draw up the Neighbourhood Plan, was held on Tuesday 19 March. 25 people attended; there were 10 apologies sent from among the other 21 people who had said they would like to be involved. I will put a link to the notes of the meeting here when they are published. [Update: the draft notes of the meeting are available on the Headington Action website.]
An embryonic Steering Group was set up from among those present. Mike Ratcliffe @Mike_rat agreed to chair the meeting from that point onwards although he declined to be declared Chairman for the Steering Group. The Steering Group will determine what needs to be done next, who will do it, and which other interested parties need to be contacted.
Some of the Headington twitterati were present. I recognised two Councillors, @RuthWilk and @MarkLygo, as well as @Mike_rat. Headington estate agents @ScottfraserUK were represented by their Managing Director (Sales), and of course @HeadingtonA was there. Were there any more? If you were one, please let me know.