The hotly-debated and much-anticipated work on the Access to Headington scheme finally starts on 17 October and involves the reconfiguration of the junction of Roosevelt Drive, Old Road, Gipsy Lane and Warneford Lane. This first part is expected to last until mid-February. A small public exhibition on 30 September and 1 October gave people a chance to meet some of the project team, ask questions and leave feedback.
The work itself will be carried out in three phases each with a different temporary road layout. Four-way traffic lights will be in place throughout, manually controlled during the day to minimise traffic delays.
Once the work is finished there will be advance stop lines for cycles at all the traffic lights, two car lanes out of Roosevelt Drive, and on Old Road a new off-road cycle lane city-bound and an on-road cycle lane towards the Churchill and Old Road Campus. The full plan drawing is here.
You can find more information including FAQs and keep up to date with progress on the County Council’s website, where you can also sign up for a fortnightly email newsletter. These links are also under ‘Useful links’ on the right.