- Berk Bektas (Con)
- I am currently an undergrad at Oxford Brookes University, where I am studying International Relations and History. I came with my family as a toddler to Britain due to the political persecution my father suffered as a Human Rights activist. This is where my interest in politics started. I looked into and studied Britain’s political system, and have always found its history is fascinating, I absolutely love it. Why am I a Conservative? I grew up in a council estate in Islington, moved to Hackney during my teens, and went to a Sixth-Form in Camden. Growing up in these places, I saw many people who seemed to always play the victim; the Britain in which I grew up was one which didn’t incentivise people to work, and to therefore better their situation. I want power returned to the people, and not the state, that’s why I am a Conservative.
Berk Bektas’ twitter account carries the single slogan “Abolish Tuition Fees!”. Other than to reiterate that he is a student he declined to elaborate on this anti-Conservative stance when I contacted him. [1][4] - Susan Brown (Lab)
- Grew up in Oxford and has lived here most of her life. Works for the NHS and has two children. Experienced councillor who represented Churchill ward for 13 years (with a 7 year break!). She is particularly proud of the role she played in improvements in housing in the area, the holiday play scheme for young people in Wood Farm and measures to tackle antisocial behaviour. [2]
- Julian Faultless (Green)
- Has lived in Oxford for nearly twenty years. Teacher of instrumental music to children in schools so has a keen interest in educational issues. Julian has been a resident of Churchill ward for over five years and is happy to be living in a house facing Magdalen wood. He has particular interests in issues of opportunities for local young people, local transport, leisure facilities, recycling and upkeep of the environment. [3] [Update 11/5/14: This current statement is unchanged from 2 years ago apart from changing ‘about’ to ‘nearly’ in the first line.]
- James Reilly (LibDem)
- No information yet.
- David Slater (UKIP)
- Dave is a retired teacher having taught for nearly 30 years in Oxfordshire and Wiltshire comprehensive schools. He was born in Liverpool and comes from a working class background which still influences him strongly. Dave believes very strongly in Democracy and joined UKIP because he felt that a referendum on EU membership was long overdue. Youth unemployment is a matter of great concern to him and he believes that the other political parties no longer represent the manual workers of this country. Locally, he is concerned by the piece-meal approach that Oxford council takes to traffic congestion and that a realistic, integrated transport policy is long overdue. Since UKIP councillors are not bound by Party Policy, he promises that the views of local people will be strongly represented on Oxford council. Dave views UKIP as the People’s Party. [5]
[1] @BerkBBektas
[5] By email