Here’s my weekly round-up of local news for 9 – 15 September.
Details emerged in The Oxford Mail of the £16.6m contribution the Barton West developers (Grosvenor Estates and Oxford City) will make to infrastructure projects supporting the development. The City’s East Area Planning Committee held a public Q&A session devoted to Barton West on Thursday.
Unease over what is seen as an imminent invasion of big-chain supermarkets into Headington continued to grow as it became clear that both @OxFurniture and its next-door neighbour @UpandRunningUK have been given notice to quit. Oxford Furniture is hoping to find alternative premises in Headington. Up & Running say they will continue trading in Headington but as yet have not said where – if they know themselves yet. There are rumours that Oxfam might be bought out too despite their longer lease and recent refurbishment. If so that would make a row of three shops available.
The Fairview Inn is back on the open market. It has been declared an Asset of Community Value but locals have faied to raise the money to buy it which this would have allowed them to do. Read the back story here.
The newly upgraded cycle path from Edgeway Road to Croft Road has opened. Picture c/o @HeadingtonNews.
Active topics on the Headington & Marston e-democracy forum this week:
- Supermarkets in Headington
- Proposed Changes to Green Road Roundabout
1. Friends of Lye Valley, who have managed to defer the planning application for Warren Crescent that would destroy the SSSI in Lye Valley (a unique UK habitat).
2. Barton West and other housing developments (Bury Knowle, Warren Crescent) are being pushed forward based on a strategy founded on inaccurate information (revealed in City Executive Board public q/a last week). Council needs to either provide real justification for housing strategy or stop building so many new houses.
Thanks for commenting, Nigel. I mentioned the Lye Valley decision deferral last week. It presumably gives the newly-formed Friends some extra time to make their case.
I don't feel well-enough informed to comment on your point about demand for housing, extensive though the article on the Save Temple Cowley Pools website (to which you link) is.