Here’s my weekly round-up of local news for 19 – 25 October.
The Friends of Lye Valley @friendlyevalley are running a campaign and petition to stop a planning application (Ref: 13/01555/CT3) to build houses on Warren Meadow (behind Warren Crescent). They say run-off and pollution from the development would have a serious adverse impact on the rare plants and habitats of the Lye Valley, which is an SSSI.
Oxfordshire CC has served a “Direction to Leave” on the travellers parked on the Marston Ferry cycle path. If they refuse to move the matter will go to court, which could take a further two to three weeks.
In Thursday’s by-election in Northfield Brook ward, OX3 resident Jennifer Pegg (Lab) was elected to the City Council with 78% of the votes cast (turnout 15%).
You may remember back in April a series of police raids in Cowley followed a man being found stabbed in a car in Barton and who later died in hospital (see HH211). The man accused in connection with the killing was found not guilty of manslaughter at Oxford Crown Court on Wednesday.
Active posts on the Headington & Marston e-democracy forum this week:
- Get Creative Social Club
- £12.m transport improvements for Headington: exhibitions and consultation
- Somerset pub on Marston Road
- Harcourt House
- How will new Oxford to London train service affect your trips to London?
- New recycling Promotion