Headington Headlines #246

Your weekly round-up of local news for 21 – 27 December.

A defibrillator has been installed outside Risinghurst Post Office

The first Hospital Energy Project liaison meeting was held on Tuesday evening. My report is here.

A nine year old was treated for smoke inhalation after a candle set fire to a towel in a home in Barton Village Road on Tuesday. Neighbours heard a smoke alarm and warned the family.

Barton Neighbourhood Centre served Christmas dinner to anyone wanting food and company on Christmas Day.

Twin baby girls – Francesca and Poppy – were born on Christmas day in the JR Hospital. “We had been planning to go to my Nan’s for the evening”, said father George Bishop.

Large crowds turned out to see the Quarry Morris men @HeadingtonQMD perform their traditional Boxing Day mummers’ play at the Quarry pubs.

Only one active post on the Headington & Marston e-democracy forum this week:

  • Disruption