Your weekly round-up of local news for 12 – 18 February.
Here’s @RuthWilk‘s damning account of how private companies run rings round the City and County enforcement procedures, in this case in Latimer Road.
A woman from Headington is one of a pair who plan to canoe from England to the Black Sea to raise money for charity.
The Friends of St Nicholas Primary School in Marston are raising money to pay for the children of the school to repaint the mural in the underpass at the Old Marston end of Marston Ferry Road. Donations welcome!
The car park behind Waitrose has been resurfaced.
Agents acting for Christ Church College have submitted a ‘Scoping Application’ for a potential Barton Park-sized development on College-owned land northwest of Barton Park. There will be many hurdles to get over if this development ever gets agreed, not least that the land is Green Belt and isn’t allocated for development in South Oxfordshire DC’s new local plan. The application (ref P18/S0399/SCO) is on the SODC website.
Intermittent Access to Headington work goes on while the County sorts out the money for the Headley Way phase of the full scheme. The small roundabout at the main enrance to the JR has been removed and replaced with a temporary roundabout pending conversion of the junction to traffic light control when the scheme goes ahead.
Active posts on the Headington & Marston e-democracy forum this week:
- Over 60? Views on sharing photos online? participate in an Oxford Brookes university research project
- Guide Centenary
- Headington accommodation