I thought last week was a quiet one for Headington news, but this week I’ve found even less. Ignoring a report of a fat squirrel resting after eating too many nuts from someone’s bird table, here is my weekly round-up of news for the week 11 – 17 April.
Potentially the most controversial, and bound to feature many more times, Ruskin College’s ideas for developing Ruskin Fields, part of the Old Headington Conservation Area, emerged this week. The Oxford Mail carried the story.
Thisisoxfordshire reported that children ‘from Barton’ had been doing the rounds in Headington asking for phoney sponsorship money. According to the police the problem has now been sorted.
In other police-related news @RuthWilk reported that Inspector Marc Tarbit is now neighbourhood inspector for Headington and Zoe Eeles has replaced Chris Miles as Neighbourhood PC for the Headington area. More police news for the Headington area on Ruth and David Rundle’s joint website.
It was even quiet on the Headington & Marston e-democracy forum. There were only two active topics this week:
- 1,000 new houses for Barton?
- Where does Headington’s tap water come from?