Oxford East voted roughly 2:1 for ‘Remain’1. Would you vote for there to be a second EU referendum before the UK leaves the EU a) whatever the outcome of the negotiations, b) depending on the outcome of the negotiations, or c) you would not support a second referendum in any circumstances?
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1. Oxford City referendum vote 70.3%; Oxford East 67% (est.)
Yes, I would vote for there to be a referendum on the deal “a) whatever the outcome of the negotiations,” and that vote would give two options: to accept the deal negotiated by Theresa May’s Conservative Government, or reject the deal and remain in the EU.
It is essential for all parties (for or against the European Union) to be given another opportunity for a clearly decisive vote.
I struggled between the decision to leave or remain during the referendum campaign. I voted remain in the end because neither side provided enough (or really any) details about the details or implications of either option. Logically, I think Britain is very strong, but in part because of its role and influence in Europe.
I am however open to persuasion by fact: definitely not fear, lies or personalities.
Yes – I would vote for a referendum on the terms of the Brexit deal, whatever the negotiations’ outcome. A majority indicated their desire to leave the EU, but not for Brexit ‘at all costs’. Once the terms of the Brexit deal are known in full, the decision must be returned to the people for approval.