This arrived from the County Council a few days ago in the wake of the exhibition of plans held on 23 March.
Work on the next phase of the Access to Headington transport improvement scheme will start soon. The next phase will focus on The Slade, between Old Road and the mini roundabout at the junction of Hollow Way/Horspath Driftway.
Contractors working for the county council will set up the site from Monday 10 April with construction work set to start on Tuesday 18 April.
Setting up the compounds will be done off-peak to reduce any impact on traffic and so that noise and disruption whilst units are installed and operated can be kept to a minimum.
This section of work will take approximately 26 weeks to complete. The team will do all they can to minimise delays but people travelling in the area are advised to plan their journeys.
You can see the engineers’ drawings of the work to be done here.