Consultation on Oxfordshire County Council’s “Access to Headington” closed on Friday 7 August. Below is a list of responses I know about or have found in the public domain. I’ll be happy to add any more.
Headington Action and Headington Transport Group
Bus Users Oxford
Oxford Civic Society
My own response
Headington LibDem Councillors (page with links to 3 documents)
Friends of Old Headington
Committee for New Marston (South) Residents’ Association *
Councillor Mary Clarkson (City Councillor for Marston) *
Richard Mann (@ParadiseOxford)
Oxfordshire County Council’s summary of responses received (October 2015)
Oxfordshire County Council’s statement about the ‘next steps’ (October 2015)
Two other relevant articles are on the Oxford Futures website, which is curated by Oxford Civic Society – the responses of Headington Action and Headington LibDem Councillors to the LTP4 consultation.
* With acknowledgements to Jack Straw’s Lane Association website for these links.