Here’s my weekly round-up of local news for 8 – 14 April.
Oxford Furniture Warehouse opened on the London Road on Monday and have joined twitter as @OxFurniture. They’ve moved from the Abingdon Road.
A man’s gold ring was lost in Lime Walk last Sunday (7 April) – appeal for information/return.
The Headington Festival 2013 website has gone live – go there to book a place for your stall. The festival’s on Sunday 2 June from 1 – 5 pm. The twitter account is @HeadingtonFest.
You can watch a 2-minute time-lapse video of the new @Oxford_Brookes building going up.
A fight broke out after a football match last Saturday week (6 April) at Barton Recreation Ground. One man suffered a broken nose. Three men were arrested and bailed.
The Londis store (run by @sundersandher) has applied for a 24hr, seven days a week alcohol licence. You can comment here.
The East Area Planning Committee meets on Tuesday this week. On the agenda are
- Bury Knowle Depot — recommendation to support in principle but defer pending drawing up a legal agreement;
- Land behind 73 – 81 Lime Walk — recommendation to approve subject to conditions;
- 29 Old High Street — recommendation to approve subject to conditions;
- Noted for a future meeting, no action at this time: Haboakus Northway development; Cotuit Hall; Barton Road cricket ground; 255 Marston Road (change from plumbers merchant to taxi hire office).
Meanwhile the non-public public art circular seat (Ref 13/00284/VAR) the @EFOxford language school wanted to put outside their main entrance but inside their boundary fence was rejected by the City Council.
Active topics on the Headington & Marston e-democracy forum this week:
- Another recommendation: driving instructor?
- A Neighbourhood Plan for Headington
- Gold Ring lost Headington
- Barton Road Cricket Ground
- Competent telephone engineer