Here’s my weekly round-up of local news for 28 October – 3 November.
Headington and other OX3 areas came through the storm of Monday morning unscathed.
Morrisons opened on Monday as announced – it was even early, opening before 9:00.
A new business networking group for Headington has been started by @TheOxonProject. Its first meeting is today (4 Nov); details here.
The yellow-box junction of Wharton Road with London Road is to be reinstated with money from @RosalindRogers‘ Area Steward’s Fund.
It seems @oxfordkebabs is moving into the Café Noir spot on Osler Road.
Friends of Old Headington have let me put their response to the County’s Headington Transport Strategy on the blog. Any more?
The Sandhills underpass is being smartened up and decorated with artwork by Wheatley Park students.
The Chequers pub in Beaumont Road, Quarry has submitted a planning application (ref 13/02762/FUL) for “Demolition of existing flat roofed porch and erection of new pitched roof porch. Erection of raised decking area over beer garden at rear.”
A young man was robbed in Pullens Lane on Wednesday evening. Two attackers stole his rucksack containing an HTC mobile phone, a Sony camera, text books and a wallet.
It seems that anti-social student behaviour has been worse this new academic year than for several years. Brookes, the City Council and residents are all working to do what they can to bring it under control.
My favourite Headington-related tweet of the week:
Active topics on the Headington & Marston e-democracy forum this week:
- Planning application for 255 Marston Road
- Traffic in Headington
- Some Concerns about Headington
- railings in Barton Lane
- Parking in Saxon Way