Headington Headlines #143

If the lack of any news is anything to go by Headington has been shut down over Christmas. So here’s my very brief round-up of local news for 23 – 29 December.

Headington’s Christmas tree outside Barclay’s Bank blew over in the storm on Monday, Rosemary Restaurant mysteriously lost its ‘M-(T)ree’ and Peacock’s shop-sign disappeared in preparation for Sainsbury’s moving in.

Photo: @headingtonnews

Adieu Peacocks

A collection box for Helen & Douglas House was stolen from outside a Christmas lights display in Barton.

My favourite Headington-related tweet of this week:

Not even the Headington & Marston e-democracy forum could overcome the Christmas torpor: only one post this week:

  • Cycle track through University Parks flooded

Wishing you all a Happy New Year!

I try to cover news from the OX3 postcode in Headington and out as far as Barton, Sandhills and Risinghurst (see map). To feed into next week’s summary you can comment on this article, or tweet either with the hashtag #ox3 or @mentioning @TonyOX3.