Here’s my weekly round-up of local news for 11 – 17 February.
The details of Martin Young’s latest planning application for 29 Old High Street have reached the Council’s website. Its reference is 13/00311/FUL.
@RuthWilk reported that on Thursday police in Headington issued 7 tickets for no seat belts, 5 for use of mobile phone while driving, 2 for speeding, 6 warnings for speeding and 1 for cycling on the pavement.
Headington Action @HeadingtonA joined twitter.
There was a power cut in parts of Headington on Wednesday.
I’ve heard that Marston Heating Supplies is closing down after many years of trading.
The Somerset on Marston Road has re-opened after the owners returned from holiday.
The house on the Dorset House site on the corner of Latimer Road has a ‘SOLD’ sign.
An e-petition has been started on the City Council’s website asking for the Marston cycle path to be gritted in winter. A message on the e-democracy forum explains what it’s about and you can follow the campaign on twitter at @marstongrit.
Active topics on the Headington & Marston e-democracy forum this week:
- Northway
- Badgers
- Foxwell drive Path
- Headington Festival 2013 – organisers needed
- 2 new shops in Marston?
- ePetition to grit Marston cycle tracks in winter