If you followed my coverage of the Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC) elections back in November, and my comments on Commissioner Stansfeld’s draft Police & Crime Plan, then you might like to take a quick glance at the Police & Crime Panel’s comments on the same document. The PCP is a non-elected body made up mainly of local councillors from across the Thames Valley region whose job is to hold the PCC to account.
They have published their comments which you can read here. They don’t find much to praise in the draft Plan – nothing at all, in fact – and they have plenty of suggestions as to how it might be improved. There are some interesting comparisons with the plans of other PCCs where the Panel has picked out examples of good practice.
Although the Panel stops short of expressing outright disappointment or criticism their considered view makes depressing reading. It’s not too late for Commissioner Stansfeld to make changes in the light of all the comments he has received – let’s hope he has the courage to do so.