On Tuesday 26 February 2013 about 120 people attended a meeting organised by Headington Action (@HeadingtonA, website http://www.hcda.org.uk/ ) where it was agreed to go ahead with producing a Neighbourhood Plan for Headington. Cllrs @RuthWilk and @DavidRundle published a report.
I wasn’t able to go to this inaugural meeting but I hope to be able to follow progress and perhaps contribute in some way. It’s the start of a long and complicated process which I’ll do my best to report on a dedicated “Neighbourhood Plan” page.
The precise area to be covered by the Plan won’t be decided for a while but this rough proposal was shown at the meeting and generally supported.
At least 10 areas of Oxford are working on preparing either Neighbourhood Plans or less comprehensive Community Plans. The Oxford Civic Society has produced a list of them.