Here’s my weekly round-up of local news for 3 – 9 June.
It was Risinghurst and Sandhills’ turn to have community fun yesterday (Sunday) – the Community Fete and Picnic, opened by Lord Mayor @dee_sinclair.
A burst water main in Borrowmead Road, Northway, left 37 properties without water for a time on Tuesday.
EF language school @EFOxford has withdrawn its planning application to redevelop Cotuit Hall in Pullen’s Lane as an International Academy. They say this is after local residents objected, and they intend to engage with the community before submitting revised plans later this year. I’ve added this news to my Cotuit Hall timeline on Storify.
Morrison’s have applied for an alcohol licence for the old Blockbuster shop.
The outline planning application (ref 13/01383/OUT) for the West Barton development has been submitted and is on the City Council’s website.
The East Area Planning Committee meeting on Wednesday approved the two Haboakus developments in Northway, but drainage and sewerage issues have to be sorted out before development starts. The Committee rejected the third application (in Barns Road, Cowley) because of inadequate of parking provision.
Londis now has a 24-hour alcohol licence.
Martin Young’s latest planning application looks like being turned down at the next Planning Committee meeting, according to The Oxford Mail.
Some Xbox games and cash were stolen in a break-in in Blackthorn Close on Thursday.
Active topics on the Headington & Marston e-democracy forum this week:
- How does the Jack Straw’s Lane “bicycle street” work?
- Headington Festival and Sports Day 2013
- Plans for the new Barton estate now available
- Noise in Quarry
- Crown and Thistle