Your weekly round-up of local news for 23 – 29 April.
And so it (almost) finally begins! The much-delayed Access to Headington work on Headley Way and Cherwell Drive will start on 14 May. The work is forecast to run until March 2019. Here’s what the Oxford Mail had to say about it. Some people are upset that several trees have been felled in preparation for the work. The County Council has said they will replace all the trees that will have to go, but of course any new planting will take some years to grow to youthful maturity.
Congratulations to @TheMasonsArmsHQ. They are champions of the Oxford & District Bar Billiards League Division One.
Well done too to La Croissanterie café on Old High Street, which earned a maximum score of 5 in the latest Scores on the Doors hygiene ratings.
Gardens in Old Headington will be open for the National Gardens Scheme on Sunday 13 May.
Construction work has started on the new neurological research centre at the JR. See where it is on the plan in HH 346.
It’s now 18 months since a controvesial planning application was submitted to build housing in Wychwood Lane, Risinghurst, adjacent to the C S Lewis Nature Reserve. Nothing seems to have happened since; the papers for the last East Area Planning Committee show it as “still awaiting additional information”.
I couldn’t resist this one. Headington School is advertising for a Head of Strings.
Active posts on the Headington & Marston e-democracy forum this week:
- Old Headington Gardens 13 May 2018