It was a very quiet week for news in Headington and surrounding areas and what little I found mostly related to planning. But anyway, here’s my round-up for 12 – 18 December —
Rosemary Restaurant got a scathing review on the e-democracy forum (scroll to the end of the page). The forum also carried an extended debate over the absence of Sainsbury’s and Tesco from Headington and the merits of internet shopping, intermingled with reaction to Costa’s application to open a coffee shop in the old Cartridge World. The required change of use will go before the Area Planning Committee.
In other planning matters, both an application for a smoking shelter at The Six Bells and plans for 29 Old High Street were refused.
More significantly, two major planning documents go to the City Council today (Monday) – the Barton Area Action Plan which sets out the framework for the Barton East development, and the Housing Policy and Sites book with the Headington car park not preferred for residential development. Neither document includes the Ruskin Fields development favoured by Ruskin College. The Council will debate, possibly amend, and approve versions of these before they come back for further consultation in the New Year. Meanwhile Headington Ward councillors David Rundle and Ruth Wilkinson (@RuthWilk) will report back at their Ward Focus meeting at the Baptist Church on Old High Street at 6pm on Tuesday.
Not one but TWO Headington-related tweets this week, both on the subject of Costa:
Active topics on the Headington & Marston e-democracy forum this week:
- No Sainsburys and No Tescos?
- Planners holding the line
- West Barton plan likely to go ahead?
- Library