Local elections – Headington candidates

Here’s a quick summary of the candidates standing for the City Council in the six Headington wards. * = current councillor seeking re-election.

David Rundle is standing down in Headington Ward and Altaf Khan is switching from Headington Hill & Northway to stand in Headington Ward. The current councillors in the other four wards are all standing for re-election.

The Conservatives, Greens, Labour and LibDems are fielding candidates in all six wards. UKIP have three candidates: in Barton & Sandhills, Chuchill and Marston. There is one Independent standing in Barton & Sandhills and one with no stated allegiance in Headington Hill & Northway.

As far as I can discover, none of the UKIP or Green candidates are on twitter. If anyone knows of any of the candidates with twitter accounts which I haven’t listed please let me know. [Update 8 May: UKIP candidate Ian Macdonald is on twitter as @IanMacdonald91.]


Name Party twitter
Sallie Barnard LibDem  
Van Coulter * Lab @VanCllrvcoulter
Raymond Hitchins Green  
James Johnson Con @jamesjohnson252
Benjamin Linus Ind @bad_gateway
Ian Macdonald UKIP @IanMacdonald91


Name Party twitter
Berk Burak Bektas Con @BerkBBektas
Susan Brown * Lab  
Julian Faultless Green  
James Reilly LibDem  
David Slater UKIP  


Name Party twitter
Mohammed Altaf-Khan LibDem @maltafkhan
Theodora Dickinson Con @theadickinson
David Boyd Haycock Green  
David Henwood Lab @DavidHenwood2


Name Party twitter
Farida Anwar Lab  
Ruth Bamber Green  
Mark Bhagwandin Con @markb_gt
Maria Bourbon LibDem  
Nicholas Fell    


Name Party twitter
Mary Clarkson * Lab @maryoxford
Duncan Hatfield Con @Old_Marston
Jonathan Miller UKIP  
Alistair Morris Green  
Salman Navqi LibDem  


Name Party twitter
Katherine Harborne Con @KatHarborne
Delia Sinclair * Lab @delia_sinclair
Roz Smith LibDem @RosalindRogers
Liz Taylor Green