Here’s my weekly round-up of local news for 13 – 19 April.
Marston residents will be surveyed about the possible introduction of permit-only parking.
Cheney School Academy Trust has been recommended to run the new primary school that will be built in @BartonPark_. As well as the eponymous secondary school, Cheney also runs Bayards Hill Primary in Barton. A final decision will follow later, but with local support it’s fairly sure to happen.
The site of the old Friar pub on Marston Road has been put up for sale by Tesco after the company abandoned its plans to open a new store there.
An overflowing sewer in Barton caused raw sewage to flow down the street.
Headington Action @HeadingtonA have shared their reponse to Oxfordshire CC’s long-term transport strategy “Connecting Oxfordshire”, or LTP4, on the Oxford Futures website. (Oxford Futures is an initiative of Oxford Civic Society @oxcivicsoc.) Have any other Headington organisations or individuals responded? It would be interesting to see any more.
The planning application (Ref: 15/00858/FUL) to build student accommodation on the corner of Latimer Road is now on the City Council’s website.
Active posts on the Headington & Marston e-democracy forum this week:
- Pavement Clutter
- Headington Quarry Village Hall
- Access road from Barton to Northway Estate
- Oxfordshire Business Awards 2015
- Environmental Election Hustings April 22nd
- Friar site for sale
- Quarry Gate pub