Your weekly round-up of local news for 6 – 12 March.
The Headington Neighbourhood Plan got its final go-ahead on Thursday. There will be a referendum on 4 May, the same day as the County Council elections. Expect a big publicity drive, and if you live in Headington please take the time to look at the Plan and VOTE! More as always on the Headington Plan website.
As expected, the East Area Planning Committee approved the planning applications on the Jack Russell & Ampleforth Arms pubs. To remind you, the application for the Jack Russell is for
“Demolition of public house, erection of 16 flats (6 x 3-bed, 8 x 2-bed, 2 x 1-bed) on three floors. Provision of 19 car parking spaces.”
and for the Ampleforth
“Part demolition of the existing public house. Part redevelopment and conversion to create a new community run public house at basement and ground floor level and 1 x 1-bed, 3 x 2-bed and 2 x 3 bed residential apartments over ground, first and second floors. Erection of 1 x 3-bed dwellinghouse.(Use Class C3). Provision of private amenity space, landscaping, car parking and associated infrastructure.”
The Aldi store on Horspath Driftway (alongside Homebase, ex- Curry’s) opened at 8am on Thursday.
And it’s open! @AldiUK @TheOxfordMail #oxford
— Georgina Campbell (@OxMailGeorginaC) March 9, 2017
As one door opens, another closes. The W H Smith local store in Headington is for sale for £615k freehold, and is reported to be closing on 23 March (Thursday next week). Thanks to @headingtonnews and @DarrenGrant_UK for spotting this.
Last October the British Legion planted 456 daffodils at ‘the Final Turn’, the corner at the entrance to the JR on Headley Way; one daffodil for every member of the UK Armed Forces killed in the Afghanistan campaign. The daffodils are now flowering. See HH289 for the original story.

A pupil at @HeadingtonSch has been selected to play hockey for England U16s.
In an article in the Guardian @Bill_Heine‘s son explains why he bought the Shark House.
The Oxford Diocese has put in a planning application (ref: 17/00393/FUL) to demolish Old Marston Vicarage in Elsfield Road and replace it with a 4-bedroom house. The existing building is said to be structurally unsound. Consultation closes on 28 March.
The dispute between the City and flat-owners in the Northway and Wood Farm tower blocks over the cost of refurbishment and renovations (see HH 244 and HH282) moved forward after a tribunal ruled that the owners would not have to pay for some parts of the work. There’s still another ruling to be made later this year, and it seems the City’s right to charge for other parts of the work has been upheld.
My favourite Headington-related tweet of the week:
Nice to be @OxfordTownHall for @OxfordCity Exec Board tonight as they approved our Headington Neighbourhood Plan to go to referendum.
— Mike Ratcliffe (@mike_rat) March 9, 2017
Active posts on the Headington & Marston e-democracy forum this week:
- Marston Medical Centre
- Reply marston medical centre
- Proposed abolition of Oxford City Council
- Silent Auction at Townsend House
- Hospital Parking
- London Road – cycle path
- Headington Plan – what’s next?